
Madeley has a lovely range of footpaths, roads, and lanes, with a wide range of nature environments from hills, woods, stream and lakeside, and plenty of nice views to be had!

Here is a list of walks along with maps, waypoints and points of interest,  collated into a single document for anyone who would enjoy them – this is in a PDF document here for you to download and print:  MadeleyWalks-2015

PLEASE NOTE (Edit November 2015) – it appears that there may be a mistake in Walk number 6, regarding the correct location of the footpaths. I am informed that http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/environment/eLand/RightsofWay/Footpaths-bridleways.aspx  is the best location for checking the exact location of footpaths!

Unreal Paintball

If you’re up for a challenge, try paintballing, just off Manor Road, not far from Madeley!

Visit the website at Unreal Paintball for more information!



If you have a handheld GPS device, or even a phone that has inbuilt GPS, then perhaps you’d like to try Geocaching!  This is an activity where you go out hunting for special caches, typically small boxes, which have been carefully hidden, and their GPS coordinates logged.  You have to work from the coordinates (with lots of aid from your GPS device!) to find the cache, and when you do, sign the log to say you’ve been there, maybe exchange trinkets or goodies that have been left, and replace the cache for the next player to find.

Since the caches are carefully placed and hidden by locals, this is a hobby that will have you exploring places you would never have thought of otherwise!  And with literally millions of caches worldwide (including a small share in Madeley!) you’ll always have a few more to look for.

This hobby is perfect for people who like a bit of a walk, enjoy exploring, and like to use their brains (as well as their gadgets!), and is brilliant for families. It’s free to take part in, too!

Check out www.geocaching.com for more information!