Madeley Village Tidy Group


Please Do Not Litter Our Village. Respect Others and Your Environment.

Recycling Guide


Madeley Tidy Group

If you feel that you could spare a little time to improve our village, please meet us at Greyhound Court on the last Saturday of each month, at 10.00am, for a litter pick.

If you would like to help you can contact:

Sue Machin 751524

The group would like to say a ‘BIG’ thank you to all people who have worked hard in maintaining the flower beds throughout the village. Not forgetting, of course, all the generous donors of money, to purchase flowers and troughs.

If you feel that you could spare a little time to improve our village, please meet us at Greyhound Court on the last Saturday of each month, at 10.00am, for a litter pick.