Madeley College of Education

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Madeley College Sports Photographs

Madeley College Swimming & Water polo Team 1971

Madeley College Swimming Freestyle & Medley Relay Team 1971 Winners Northern Counties A.S.A.
Left – Right. Clive Rushton (GB Olympic Team Capt. Munich 1972), Dave Lacey, Roy Goodwin, Martyn Woodroffe (Olympic Silver Medallist. Mexico 1968. 200 metres Butterfly).

Members of the Madeley Swimming Team 1974
Left – Right. Christine Smith, Julie Russell, Alan Scott, Malcolm Ferguson, Stewart Anderson

Madeley College Sports Photographs

Rugby Squads 1975

I happened to dig out the above photo of the rugby squads from 1975. Here they are.

Back – Dick Weeks, Les Carr, Johnny Bishop, Martin Blant, Roger Rees, Chris Genders, Frank Macevely, Roly Charlton, Mark Simmons, Mark Senior, Keith Scott, Dave Wikely, Steve Lambert, Ian Ball.

Middle – Harry Roberts, Mick Brown, Yours truly, Peter Kennedy, Keith Banks, Dave Lynn, Colin Buttle, Andy Simpson, Colin Croft, Peter Smith, Brian Robson, Gwynn Evans, Mike Evans.

Sitting – Stewart Anderson, Johnny Ireland, Graham Bamford, Jeff Jones, Tom Borthwick, Eddie Robinson Harry Poole, Jimmy Miller, Robin Websdale, Jim Burke.

Front row sitting – Max Young, Ronny Stewart, (Given name unknown) Clark, Steve Worsley, Simon Weatherall, Scotty

Should anyone read this perhaps you can help me with the missing name. I do hope that everyone in the photo is prospering, and are in good health.

Bill “Levi” Denham Smith – Madeley 1974 -1977

PE Group Leaving Dinner 1975


1970 – 1973 PE Specialist Group