Category Archives: Parish Council


Notice Under Local Government Act 1972 (Section 87(2)) VACANCY FOR A COUNCILLOR PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN

that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Madeley Parish Council following the resignation on 5th March 2020 of Deborah Rogerson Rule 5(2) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 … Continue reading

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CCTV in Madeley Village

Madeley Parish Council PROPOSED CCTV IN MADELEY VILLAGE PUBLIC OPEN MEETING. Madeley Parish Council wishes to consult with the public to get their views about the installation of CCTV in the vicinity of Newcastle Road/New Road, Madeley. A public meeting … Continue reading

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Madeley Parish Council Draft Budget 2019-20 Public Consultation

Madeley Parish Council wishes to consult with Parishioners as regards the proposed draft budget 2019-20. Please come along to the meeting on Thursday 3rd January 2019, 7:00pm and make your views known.

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Notice of Uncontested Election for Madeley Parish

Please follow the link to see the full list of Parish Councillors elected unopposed to take office from Tuesday 8th May. NOTICE UNCONTESTED ELECTION

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Cancellation of Christmas Lights Switch on & Older Persons Party 10th December

Please note that due to the forecast of heavy snowfalls the above event has been cancelled. Madeley Parish Council wish to apologise for any inconvenience. However, it wishes to ensure that all  residents and staff are not exposed to any … Continue reading

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Reminiscence Session-Food Glorious Food

A fun look at the advent of convenience food in our diet. From fish fingers to Angel Delight; spam to salmon paste-all the things we have loved….and some of those we have hated! Friday 3rd November 2017, 10am-12 noon at … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Community Centre, Events, Parish Council, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Control of Canadian Geese on Madeley Pool

     Madeley Parish Council are considering the above proposal and would like to hear your views on the subject.  Please come along and take part in the  Public Open Meeting on Monday 16th October, 7:00pm-8:00pm, The Madeley Centre, New … Continue reading

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Reminiscence Session-Goose Grease and Brown Paper

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Offley Arms Public House-Asset of Community Value-Notice of disposal

Newcastle Borough Council have received a notice of disposal re the above asset of community value. If any community interest group/s are interested in placing an expression of interest to bid for the asset they must put this expression in … Continue reading

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Madeley Neighbourhood Plan

Please follow the link below to find out how to become involved and see the latest update re Madeleys emerging Neighbourhood Plan.  

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