Author Archives: ParishClerk

Newcastle Male Voice Choir in Madeley-Cancelled Event

Unfortunately, due the lack of ticket sales this event has been cancelled.    

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Choose the Right Puppy for You

Are you thinking about getting a dog or puppy in the next few months? If so, RDF TV for BBC2 are looking for people to film during this process. For further information please follow the link below. Puppies Flyer

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Parish Council Election Results

Please follow the link below for the results of the elections for Madeley Parish Council held on Thursday 7th May 2015 MadeleyParish Council Results

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Stand as a Local Parish Councillor

If you are interested in making a difference to your local community why not consider standing as a Parish Councillor for Madeley Parish? Follow the link below for further information. SPCA – Parish Council Elections poster

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Music for Memories

By popular demand, Madeley Parish Council have brought back “Music for Memories”. These sessions are open to all, but are particularly beneficial to people with memory loss and dementia. Sessions re-start on 8th May at The Madeley Centre. Please follow … Continue reading

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Are you keen to grow your own fruit, veg and flowers but don’t have the space at home? Why not consider renting an allotment from Madeley Parish Council in Furnace Lane? The rates are very reasonable. For further details please … Continue reading

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