Vicar’s Letter February 2019

Calling all Brides and Grooms!

With Valentine’s Day this month, may I encourage YOU to consider getting married at All Saints’ or St Margaret’s.

In previous generations most people got married in church but now weddings take place almost anywhere!  So … Why consider getting married in church?

Firstly because the church is at the heart of our community.  So many important occasions have taken place in church with great joy and celebration AND right in the middle of where we live.  The Church building reminds us that God IS with us AND that He wants the very best for us (and our families).

Secondly because marriage is both joyful AND serious.  Of course, we all want our wedding days to be full of fun and laughter but as husband and wife you are making incredibly serious promises to each other and the church building and the wedding service gives a certain gravitas to the vows that you are making in the presence of your families, friends AND of course, our loving God.

And thirdly because God IS love!  The marriage service says: “God is love and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.”  God’s greatest desire is to resource YOU! – Day by day to help YOU to love and care for each other … for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.  God wants to help and bless you both in your GROWING in love. 

Romantic love is the spark that brings people together; but deepening persistent love is the crucial ingredient to help your love to stay fresh and strong.

Getting married in church is NOT as expensive as it may seem.  The basic charge is less than £500 (which includes all the legal stuff).  People who have been married before are NOT barred from a wedding in church.  So, why not get in touch and come and find out more!

Happy Valentine’s Day.  PS – I love taking weddings!

Peter Chantry

About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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