Vicar’s Letter Christmas 2018

Dear Friends,

In church we very often address God as: “Almighty God” out of reverence and respect.  But is that the only and best way to think of God?  … Almighty? 

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus, we see God in a very different light.  There is very little that is “almighty” about a new born!  A new born even at the best of times is vulnerable, delicate and fragile as was the baby Jesus.  And even more so because Jesus’ mother gave birth a long way from home, without the support of family and friends and in the equivalent of a shed round the back.  Jesus was little, weak and helpless!

So rather than addressing God as “Almighty” might we instead say “Vulnerable God … ” and perhaps continue:

… you risked everything by emptying yourself to become a human being.  You come to us as a fragile child to share in our weakness and struggle.  You grew up and lived in a country surrounded by turmoil and uncertainty.  Thank you Vulnerable God that you are “God with us” – not judging and condemning from on high but understanding and sharing our humanity in the here and now of everyday life.  You know what it’s like to grow up in an earthly family with all the hassles and tensions, the joys and the sorrows.  You know what it’s like to do hard physical work for small wages.  You know what it’s like to loose family members and friends who you’ve loved.  You know what it is to suffer injustice and unfairness.  Thank you Vulnerable God that YOU know and understand and care and want to help.

When we address God as “Almighty” we can easily think of God as OUT THERE – a long way away – remote and uncaring.  When we address God as “Vulnerable” we are recognizing that God is right here and along side us – in the thick of it – in the messiness of life – in the daily struggle.

This is our vulnerable God who we celebrate and worship.  Do join us for Christmas worship this year as we celebrate again the loving kindness of our God who became vulnerable to help us all know that we are NOT alone and His love reaches out to us whatever we are struggling with this Christmas.

Peter Chantry

About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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