Madeley Tidy Group minutes 11th. Sept. 2017

    Alan Woodhouse, Anne Shaw, Phil Shaw, Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton, Anne Nicholson , Terry Edmond, Mary Edmond.

    Chris Wright , Liz Walker , Lynda Berrington.

    Minutes of 17th July 2017
    Accepted as a true record;
    Proposed by Phil Shaw
    Seconded by Roy Dutton
    Matters Arising
    Anne Shaw had arranged for a visit to the recycling facility but unfortunately the person that this was arranged with no longer works there. Anne will try to re arrange.
    Bins for dog waste cost £350 plus the cost for emptying.
    There are proposals for new laws to come into force later this year. Owners when walking a dog must carry cleaning up equipment or risk an on the spot fine . When walking a dog near recreational areas such as playing fields , football pitches and children’s playing areas they must be on a lead.
    Anne Nicholson to contact Street Scene about the litter on Bowsey Wood road and Bar Hill as well as gutter cleaning .
    Anyone who wishes to report litter can do so with Street Scene. The telephone number is 01782 742500 or email them at

    Treasurer’s report;
    The available funds are £875.52
    There will be a cost of approximately £100 for 10 Hi vis jackets.
    PR and Sponsorship report
    The leaflets in the local shops have been topped up .
    Photographs have been taken.
    The web site has been updated.
    The minutes of the Tidy group meetings are on the web site.
    Our offer to contribute an article and photographs for issue 10 of the Parish magazine was not accepted.
    There are 125 hours of gardening logged so far . Thanks to everyone. Please let Anne know the hours you are spending on gardening so that an accurate log can be kept.
    Chris Wright will order bulbs from Newcastle under Lyme Council.
    Anne Shaw has ordered 245 spring bulbs from a mail order company.
    It was decided to plant some plants in the Offley Arms bed. Alan and Anne have spare plants. Roy has a spare conifer .
    It was decided that the gardening diary was a success, So the idea will be kept for next year.
    The next gardening session will be the school bed And Greyhound on Monday 18th September at an earlier time of 10.30

    Litter Pick
    There have been 85 hours of litter picking logged.
    Nicola from Furness Lane has volunteered to litter pick at Furness Lane and the One Stop carpark .This is a large area so help will be required.
    Consider putting up “Keep your village tidy” signs on flower beds.
    Pat Forster to join the Tidy Group litter picks.
    Next litter pick is Saturday 30th September.

    Other Business.  
    The Tidy group has not responded to the Madeley Parish future plans survey but individuals have. It wasn’t known how the results would be distributed to villagers.
    Terry and Mary Edmond are due to leave the village in the next few weeks. Individuals from the Tidy group presented them with flowers and a present. This was to show appreciation for the enormous amount of work that they had undertaken around the village over the years.
    Anne has spoken to Councillor Whitmore about the geese fouling . She has been assured that action will be taken by the Parish Council.
    Thanks to Helen Dutton who volunteered to arrange the Christmas meal once again. Possible dates are 8th, 12th , 13th December.

    Meeting Dates
    At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.00
    October 9th.
    AGM 13th November

    Gardening Dates
    18th September …New time 10.30
    2nd October
    16th October

    Meeting closed at 8.30 pm 

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