Vicar’s Letter October 2017

On Sunday 1st October, we will be celebrating Harvest Festival with familiar hymns and songs in thanks to God for all His goodness, and we will be making a collection of non-perishable goods to be donated to the ever important work of our local Food Bank.  You are very warmly invited to join us, and indeed for the Harvest Supper and Dance in Betley Village Hall the night before.  But what are we celebrating at Harvest?

There is something very fundamental about a Harvest Celebration – recognizing our dependency on God’s goodness and our interconnectedness with all those involved in providing for our daily needs.

The incredible variety and quality of the food in our supermarkets today is truly amazing – products from around the world and now with home deliveries – even brought direct to our doorsteps: a-ma-zing!

But of course it doesn’t just happen – think of a good tuna mayo sandwich –  something so simple and yet think of all those involved in its production: the farmer growing the wheat, milking the cows, harvesting the eggs; the fisherman catching the fish; the driver collecting the crop; the miller grinding the flour; the baker making the bread; the canner sealing the fish; the factory making the mayonnaise; the supermarket marketing and selling the bread, the tuna and the mayonnaise – and then you and I doing the final part on the board at home – what a lot of people involved in the production of a simple sandwich.

I believe Harvest remains a vital festival for us all.  Too easily do we forget how blessed we all are in this country with our food security.  Too easily do we take for granted the work of others from whose labours we benefit.  And too easily do we lose sight of the wonders of creation and ingenuity of growers, engineers, processors, shop keepers and most especially God from whom all these things come.  Anyone for a sandwich?

Peter Chantry

About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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