Madeley Tidy Group minutes 12th. September 2016

Madeley Tidy Group

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 12th September 2016


Alan Woodhouse, Anne Shaw, Anne Nicholson, Phil Shaw, Lynda Berrington. Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton


Chris Wright, Melanie Bishop, Sarah Franks, Simon White.

Minutes of 11th July 2016

Accepted as a true record;

Proposed by Phil Shaw

Seconded by Anne Shaw

Matters Arising

Anne Shaw has some spare Hi vis jackets if anyone requires one?

The groups insurance is due and will see a slight increase in the premium.

Alan to email Roy the Tidy group constitution.

Future Plans

Anne Nicholson had been on holiday, so there had been no further developments with the activities for school children.

Treasurer’s report;

The balance on the 31st August 2016 is £925.10

PR and Sponsorship report

It was decided not to apply for the Communities chest this year.

Billy Welsh gave the go ahead to save the £1000 towards building a fund to replace the long trough at a future date.

It was decided to apply to the Parish council for £750. This would go towards £160 for Pond dipping at the Meadows school , £240 for plants in the Vicarage Lane bed.

Roy to arrange a meeting about Tidy group reserves.

Leaflets are being replaced by Phil.

Phil has designed a A5 poster for the shops and the notice board.

It was decided not to ask local businesses for sponsorship this year.


There has been 89.5 hours of gardening time logged. Just a reminder that if any gardening is done please record your time and forward it on to Anne.

Some heather has been planted in the barrel.

Phil came up with the good idea of taking photographs of the flower beds throughout the year.

Phil has volunteered to put the photographs onto Face book.

Any Other Business.

It was decided not to order any daffodil bulbs this year. Alan to make enquires about any other bulbs available.

Tidy group Christmas meal. Anne had a menu from the Hand and Trumpet. Phil is going to the try the Crewe arms. It was also agreed that the Old Swan was a success last year.

A possible date is the 14th December.

Helen volunteered to organize the meal.

Anne Shaw let the group know that she was taking the roll of Ladies captain at Onneley Golf club in 2017.This would give her less time to organize the Tidy group so would require extra help.

Litter Pick

Bag ‘o’s have been ordered and given out.

Anne to give Roy the details so that he can order 4 more.

There has been 65.5 hours of litter picking done so far this year.

It was noted that the main road was steadily getting worse. One of the bins had been moved to a new location.

Dates for litter picks in 2016 are;

October 29, November 26.


Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.

Anne put forward a suggestion about trying to arrange a visit to the Newcastle recycling centre.

Meeting Dates

At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30

Dates of the 2016 Committee Meetings are;

October, 10th November 14th (A.G.M.)

Gardening Dates

Monday 10th October Greyhound bed/ Vicarage Lane – cut back herbaceous perennials

Monday 24th October Offley Arms / Isaak Walton/ New Road – cut back summer/autumn growth

Agenda for next meeting



Minutes of previous meeting

Matters Arising

Future Plans

Treasurers Report

PR Report and Sponsorship


Any other business

Litter Picks



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