Madeley Tidy Group minutes 9th. May 2016

Madeley Tidy Group
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2016


Alan Woodhouse , Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton, Anne Shaw, Anne Nicholson, John Berrington ,Chris Wright,


Phil Shaw

Minutes of 14th March 2016

Accepted as a true record;

Proposed by Anne Shaw
Seconded by Roy Dutton

Matters Arising

There will be a tree planting ceremony to commemorate the memory of Ricki. This will take place at the Madeley centre 21st May at 14.00.

Future Plans

Anne Nicholson has spoken to Pete Wells from Apedale. Who informs us that he is no longer funded so will not be able to help with any projects. Anne has also spoken to Tim Coggins from Bar Hill who has experience with school projects who could help. It was decided that half a day at the Meadows and half a day at the Sir John Offley would be the best way forward.
The Madeley fun day will be on the 10th September .Chris Wright will head a project building bird boxes.
Anne Shaw emailed Simon White to ask about the Communities day.
Anne will also buy some bag o ‘s off the internet.

Treasurer’s report;

Balance at the end of April £1062.00
Minus two cheques with the value of £76.00.

It was decided to set up a fighting fund so that the long trough could eventually be replaced.
Billy Welsh has kindly offered to fund the geraniums in the vicarage lane bed.

PR and Sponsorship report

Phil Shaw has kindly placed labels on all the leaflets with a new telephone number.
An idea of a A board to advertise the Tidy Group was put forward. This could be placed out when any gardening was been carried out. This was thought to be a good idea.


There was a very good turnout for the gardening session at the Vicarage Lane bed.
Only Roy Dutton and Anne Shaw could make it to the Issac Walton bed.
It was decided that a gardening event should take place every two weeks whenever possible.
Chris Wright has weeded the New road bed.
All the gardening hours need to be recorded and sent to Anne Shaw when possible.
Thanks to Don Brandreth who has planted up the corner of Cygnet Road at Madeley heath as well as donating the plants.
It was decided not to enter the RHS its your Neighborhood scheme this year. It will be considered next year.
Alan has treated the Long trough with a wood preserver.

Any Other Business.

Proposed meal at the Evening Spice.
Chris and Sue Machin send their thanks for the card and gift.
John Berrington also thanked the Tidy Group for the vouchers.
Thanks to Helen who organized the meal at the Offley Arms.

Litter Pick

A litter bin is required by the New road bus stop.

The next litter pick is on May 28th

Dates for litter picks in 2016 are;
May 28 , June 25 , July 30 , August 27 , September 24 , October 29 , November 26.


Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.
An improved household recycling scheme is about to start.
Tetra packs are recycled at Leycet Lane
Try to recycle the litter pick bottles and cans.

Meeting Dates

At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30

Dates of the 2016 Committee Meetings are ;

July 11th , September 12th , October , 10th November 14th (A.G.M.)

Gardening Dates

Monday 23rd May Greyhound Bed and Long Trough (if possible)

Monday 6th June Offley Arms bed, planters alongside the pool and at the Springs and Evening Spice

Monday 20th June Vicarage Lane bed and planter at entrance to the village (geraniums should be in by now)

Monday 4th July New Road bed, possibly some new drought resistant planting ( I know- height of summer!)

Monday 18th July Isaak Walton/ John Offley or whatever it’s called

Monday 1st August Greyhound Bed

Monday 15 August Long Trough, Evening Spice , poolside planters and Offley Arms

Monday 29th August Bank Holiday I know but perhaps Vicarage Lane bed? (Or sometime that week)

Monday 12th Sept. New Road and/or Holm Oak Pool

Monday 26th Sept Isaak Walton

Monday 10th October Greyhound bed/ Vicarage Lane – cut back herbaceous perennials

Monday 24th October Offley Arms / Isaak Walton/ New Road – cut back summer/autumn growth

Agenda for next meeting

Minutes of previous meeting
Matters Arising
Future Plans
Treasurers Report
PR Report and Sponsorship
Any other business
Litter Picks

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