Vicar’s Letter for October 2015

Harvest is surely a time to be thankful to God, and all those involved in our food production – from farmers to delivery people for all that we have to eat – that we have enough – that we have choice and that it is easily accessible for most of us – things we often take for granted.

But this year I have also had a growing awareness of other things that we take for granted: a home to live in which has electricity and fresh water, sewage treatment, a roof, glass in the window and heating.

I am deeply grateful for the Health Service – for our peace of mind, for the doctors (I know it isn’t always easy to get an appointment but when someone is seriously ill – how amazing!), the wonders of modern medication, dentistry and eye care, to name but a few.

I have never lived anywhere where I have felt afraid of war or terrorism.  I know some people in this country still live in fear of violence from family members or abusive neighbours – but this isn’t the case for most of us.  Thankfully, most of us don’t live with the fear of guns or physical violence.

And I am aware of how much “stuff” I have – as I have watched people on the news walking to safety as refugees, carrying the things that are most important to them, I am overcome by the inconsequential things I sometimes put so much value on – which in reality and in comparison are trivial.

I do not want to make you feel guilty about what you have –  that does no one any good, but I hope you are able to enjoy, celebrate and give thanks for all that we do have. Praising and thanking God for our blessings is the start of wanting to share those blessings with others. It is good to praise God and what you do after that is between you and God.

Peter Chantry

About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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