Walks around Madeley

Madeley has a lovely range of footpaths, roads, and lanes, with a wide range of nature environments from hills, woods, stream and lakeside, and plenty of nice views to be had!

Originally posted by Capto (and collated into a single doc by Steven Wye) here is a list of some walks along with maps, waypoints and points of interest in a PDF document here for you to download and print:  MadeleyWalks-2015

PLEASE NOTE (Edit November 2015) – it appears that there may be a mistake in Walk number 6, regarding the correct location of the footpaths. I am informed that http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/environment/eLand/RightsofWay/Footpaths-bridleways.aspx  is the best location for checking the exact location of footpaths!

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