Vicar’s Letter October 2018

On Sunday 7th October we will be celebrating Harvest Festival and many of us think of tins of beans and packets of cereal and the wonderful display of produce: cauliflowers, ripe tomatoes, stripy marrows and the rest – not forgetting the Harvest Supper to remind us of a time before Supermarkets and on line shopping

Harvest Festival may seem like a thing of yester year but celebrating God’s goodness to us and the work of our farmers and gardeners still needs to be done.  In this country we are well fed because of the AMAZING work of our farmers and horticulturalists, our retailers and dieticians, our agronomists and our distributors – they do a wonderful job on our behalf and in partnership with God Almighty.

Over this last year, at both happy and sad occasions we have used the modern version of the much loved hymn: We plough the fields and scatter…  Frank Low’s words hold together both the ancient and the modern, the technical and the ethical.  But fundamentally, the hymn reminds us of our everyday blessings and the source of our nourishment:

We plough the fields with tractors

With drills we sow the land

But growth is still the wondrous gift

Of God’s almighty hand.

We add our fertilizers

To help the growing grain,

But for its full fruition

It needs God’s sun and rain.

           All good gifts around us

          Are sent from heaven above

         Then thank the Lord,

         O thank the Lord,

         For all His love.

With many new machines now

We do the work each day.

We reap the fields with combines

We bale the new-mown hay.

But still ’tis God who gives us

Inventive sills and drive

Which lightens labour’s drudgery

And gives them fuller lives.


He only is the maker

Of galaxies and stars;

Of birds and beasts and flowers,

And any life on Mars.

Atomic powers obey him,

Yet still the birds are fed;

By him our prayer is answered:

Give us our daily bread


We thank Thee then O Father

For life so rich and good

For seed time and the harvest

The wealth of daily food

No gifts have we to offer

Such as thy love imparts

But what thou most desirest

Our humble thankful hearts.


Can I invite you to join us for worship and come and sing the hymn for yourself and let’s praise God together.

Peter Chantry

About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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