Madeley Tidy Group
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 13th
February 2017
Alan Woodhouse, Anne Shaw, Terry Edmunds, Phil Shaw, Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton ,Chris Wright,
Lynda Berrington.
None received.
Minutes of 10th
October 2016
Accepted as a true record;
Proposed by Alan Woodhouse
Seconded by Lynda Berrington
Matters Arising
A plant has disappeared from the Offley Arms bed.
Thanks to Helen for organizing the Christmas meal.
Alan and Anne met with Beverley Sutton and Simon Long from Newcastle under Lyme Borough
council. The meeting was to discus what help was available for local organizations .
There is a project on the 20th March to plant 50 trees in Heath wood .The Tidy group have volunteered to
help. Jan Simpson the Parish clerk is taking the lead .
The Tidy group reserve policy has been formally adopted.
Roy met with Simon Wight who expressed support for the Tidy group/
Future Plans
Replant the Long trough.
Chris to contact Simon Long about details of help available for building bug boxes.
Treasurer’s report;
There is a balance of £948.22
£82.50 has been paid for insurance.
£15.00 to the Auditor.
PR and Sponsorship report
Phil met with Anthea Bourne, the editor for the Parish magazine. She was happy for use to produce an
article about the history of the Tidy group and to supply some photographs. It was hoped this may attract
extra volunteers.
Lynda Berrington gave permission for the magazine to give a brief mention of John Berrington.
Anne has put together a diary to help with the planning . The gardening dates are just proposals but it was
agreed that the dates were ok. The gardening is to stay on a Monday as this seemed to work well last year.
The 10th April is a possible date for the re planting of the Long trough.
Phil has volunteered to bring photographs to the next meeting.
Alan has agreed to store the soil improver from the council until required by the group.
Chris has asked for help to tidy the New road bed. This is due to take place on the 27th and 28th February
weather permitting.
Thanks to Lynda who has volunteered to look after the Crewe arms bed.
Anne is looking to source geraniums in bulk. For us to plant later to save on cost”
Any Other Business.
There is some useful gardening information on the RHS website.
Tony Ingram has suffered a slight stroke but is recovering well.
Roy has worked on the Long trough using angle iron to secure the wood. Some tex screws will be
Communities day is the 9th June.
Litter Pick
Anne has apologized for missing the last litter pick. She also informed the group that she will be
unavailable for the next one.
Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.
Anne put forward a suggestion about trying to arrange a visit to the Newcastle recycling centre.
Meeting Dates
At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30
13th March,
th May
10th July
11th September
th October
AGM 13th November
Gardening Dates
TH March
10th April
24th April
22nd May
th June
19th June
rd July
17th July
th August
21st August
th September
18th September
nd October
16th October
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