Madeley Tidy Group Minutes
A.G.M. held on Monday 14th November 2016
Alan Woodhouse, Phil Shaw , Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton , Anne Shaw, Terry Edmunds ,
Chris Wright, Lynda Berrington, Melanie Bishop, Anne Nicholson
Minutes of 2015 A.G.M.
Accepted as a true record;
Proposed by Anne Shaw
Seconded by Roy Dutton
Matters Arising.
It was agreed to adopt a reserve policy.
Proposed by Anne Shaw .
Seconded by all members present .
Chairman’s Report.
Following the departure of Sue and Chris Machin, who are greatly missed, I assumed the role of Chair of the group. I would wish to thank everyone for their support during the year both to me and to the work of the group in sun and rain.
Andy Capewell left the group in the early Summer but we are fortunate to have some new members; Melanie Bishop, Sarah & Charlotte Franks and more recently Cath Creedon and Tony Ingram. We hope that they will continue their involvement as they are most welcome. Due to the efforts of all members we have maintained all existing flower beds and regularly tidied up the village, enhancing its appearance.
So far this year we have undertaken 112 hours (recorded) of litter picking but again I know that additional work has been done by members. A litter pick with the community is scheduled for Sunday 20th November with refreshments kindly provided at the Old Hall by Councillor Simon White. In the Summer the local Beaver Cub group undertook a litter pick in the New Road playing fields. It was a pleasure to be asked to speak to the group about the nuisance that litter causes and how long it takes to decompose.
We have tried to join with the local schools to highlight the need to plant to support nature and wildlife. We have been somewhat thwarted in these activities due to timing of school activities and the presence of Great Crested Newts on the land alongside the Eternit works. Thanks are due to Ann Nicholson for her perseverance in this aim.
We were asked to support the Madeley Centre in the clearing of their grounds along with young people undertaking their citizenship awards. Chris Wright and Ann Nicholson, in particular, spent many hours on this project and it is to be hoped that the management of the Centre put arrangements in place to maintain the appearance. The Tidy group already maintains 14 beds and troughs throughout the village and we are unable to undertake additional commitments.
Last year we entered the “It’s Your Neighbourhood” Awards and were successful in attaining a “thriving” level of achievement. At the time that the decision had to be made about this year’s awards, our membership had declined and we felt unable to rise to the challenge that would have been set us. The awards require us to be able to demonstrate several activities including themed planting, sustainability, community and young person involvement. With limited membership and financial resources a major undertaking such as this is inconceivable at present but in the future, who knows?
In conclusion, I would like to thank all the committee, members and volunteers for their hard work and commitment throughout the year. Thanks are also due to the Parish and Borough Councils for their support of the work of the Madeley Tidy Group.
Annie Shaw
Treasurers report.
May I begin with a big thank you to John Berrington for his work as treasurer right from when the MGT started. The auditor was always impressed by his accounts – a hard act to follow.
Not much to report for the year 2015-2016. We began the year with £1555.62 in the account and during the year received £100 from Eternet (unrestricted) and £300 from the Parish Council (restricted) towards work with our Primary Schools.
I total £924.90 was spent on gardening and accessories: plants, compost, long trough repairs, notice board, stationary and Ricki’s Memorial tree.
The available funds amount to £1030.72 of which £300 is restricted.
Roy Dutton
Publicity Report.
We aim to advertise to the public both to gain new members, and to make known what the MTG does for our village.
In that respect, leaflets are displayed and replenished in various outlets around the village, e.g. the Madeley Centre, the Post Office, the Doctors Surgery, Elmside and various shops. Posters are displayed where possible.
Our large A-board is displayed when we undertake gardening.
E-mails have been a useful means of keeping our members up to date with our meetings, gardening and litter picking dates.
The Madeley village website receive our committee minutes. (
Thanks must go to Simon White for publicising our information on his Facebook page, and for his continued support for our group.
Articles about our work have been published in the Parish Council Magazine and the Madeley Conservation Group newsletter.
Overall we have not only kept the MTG thriving and keeping up the village appearance since the departure of some committee members, but also kept up our membership numbers.
As for the future, I would hope that we all continue as before, to help with publicity by word of mouth, contributing to articles, and liasing with Simon as he has a large Facebook following.
We may want to review the possibility of sponsorship, and also consider promoting ourselves at events in the Madeley Centre.
Well done to all!
Phil Shaw.
November 2016
Gardening Report.
The group have undertaken 142.5 (recorded) hours of gardening this year incorporating both maintenance and new planting. I know that members have quietly undertaken additional work without seeking recognition for this. The majority of new plants that were planted last year have survived and have become established. We are implementing a policy of sustainable planting which is also eco- friendly and encouraging to wildlife. However, some of the beds are thought to be not very colourful. In an attempt to remedy this, we are taking photographs throughout the year to see where the appearance could be improved without resorting to bedding plants. Financial assistance from both the Parish and Borough Council has enabled us to replace plants that have gone past their best and to purchase additional plants. Thanks, must go to the late Councillor Billy Welsh who supported the planting of geraniums in the Vicarage Lane bed. We are looking to lift and over- winter some of these geraniums for re-planting next Spring.
We have managed to maintain the appearance of beds and troughs throughout the village despite losing Sue and Chris Machin early in the year. Lynda Berrrington has done sterling work in maintaining the beds at the Miner’s Memorial and Crewe Arms. We send our thoughts and best wishes to her and John during John’s ongoing illness.
Last November we effected repairs to the Long Trough outside Shepley’s Butchers. This should maintain the trough for the near future although it would be a long term aim to replace it with a more substantial, low maintenance alternative. We plan to remove the current planting, re-fill and raise the level of the soil in the troughs and re-plant to enable the plants to be seen from the road and footpath.
We made an application for additional daffodil bulbs which will be planted around the Holm Oak Pool. The Borough Council donated a silver birch which was planted at the Springs and a tree in Memorial of Ricki Williams was planted at the Madeley Centre.
It was decided not to enter the “It’s Your Neighbourhood” awards for 2016 but this decision will be reviewed in future years.
I would like to thank everyone who contributes to our efforts to improve the appearance of our village.
Annie Shaw
Chair, Madeley Tidy Group
Election of Officers.
All present officers re elected.
Proposed Anne Shaw.
Seconded Phil Shaw.
Litter Pick
Dates for litter picks in 2017 are;
February 25, March 25 , April 29 , May 27 , June 24, July 29 , August 26 , September 30 , October 28 , November 25
Future Plans
To be discussed at the next meeting .
Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.
Meeting dates
At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30
Dates of the 2017 Committee Meetings will be forwarded on at a later date .
Agenda for next meeting
Minutes of previous meeting
Treasurers Report
Matters Arising
PR Report and Sponsorship
Any other business
Litter Picks
Future Plans