Madeley Tidy Group minutes 10th. Oct. 2016

Madeley Tidy Group

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 10th October 2016


Alan Woodhouse, Anne Shaw, Anne Nicholson, Phil Shaw, Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton ,Chris Wright


None received.

Minutes of 12th July 2016

Accepted as a true record;

Proposed by Alan Woodhouse

Seconded by Phil Shaw

It is with great sadness to report the passing of Billy Welsh .A great supporter of the Tidy Group. His funeral was extremely well supported and thanks to all the Tidy group members who attended.

Matters Arising

Alan has emailed Roy the Tidy group constitution.

The insurance was last paid in January 2016. (£82.12)There will be a small increase in the premium next year.

Some pupils from Madeley High school did a litter pick today (12th July) and did a great job.

Future Plans

During the next council meeting we could try and find out, who owns the land that the long trough sits on.

The pond dipping with the children from the Meadows school has been thwarted. It was decided to concentrate on litter picks. Maybe bug houses?

Treasurer’s report;

The balance on the 12th October was £1106.21. but there are commitments of £75.49 to remove from this total.

£300 had been received from the Parish council. There was a record on the minutes dated 12th September requesting £750 but there was a limit of £300 which was granted.

It was decided that a reserve policy needed to be adopted. Roy volunteered to work on this.

PR and Sponsorship report

Phil has taken several photographs of the flower beds and has emailed them to Tidy group members.


Chris Wright has ordered some daffodil bulbs from the council.

There has been 105 hours of gardening recorded so far.

The lavender in the Offley arms bed has been replaced.

Thanks to Roy and Helen for replanting the Evening Spice bed.

New gardening dates have been added.

Any Other Business.

The Christmas meal has been booked at the Old Swan on the 2nd December at 7.30. Helen said she would email the menu. A £5 deposit was requires per person.

Litter Pick

A total of 81 hours had been logged so far.

Phil asked for a longer litter pick so he could reach into the river.

Anne will write to Simon White to ask about the litter picking scheme that he was going to come and talk to us about.

Dates for litter picks in 2016 are;

October 29, November 26.


Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.

Anne put forward a suggestion about trying to arrange a visit to the Newcastle recycling centre.

Meeting Dates

At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30

Dates of the 2016 Committee Meetings are;

November 14th (A.G.M.)

Gardening Dates

Vicarage Lane 17th October.

Offley Arms 24th October.

Long trough 31st October. Replant?

Agenda for A.G.M.

Chairs Report

Gardening Report

Treasurers Report


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