Parish Council Christmas Activities

Madeley Parish Council would like to thank all the volunteers who helped out at the Christmas Lights Switch on and party for older people on 13th December and the Pantomime, Aladdin, held on 20th December.

Both events, aimed at fostering a community spirit and tackling social isolation, were held at The Madeley Centre and were enthusiastically supported by local Parishioners. There were120 older people at the party and they were treated to entertainment as well as an excellent buffet meal.They were joined by The Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Councillor Sandra Hambleton and consort.

Follow the links below for some photographs of the Party

Christmas Party 2015 (1) Christmas Party 2015 (2)

Parishioners of all ages came to  the Pantomime. (Oh no they didn’t!). Aladdin was performed by the professional Northumberland based “Panto Company,” and 340 people over 2 performances joined in the fun.

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