Madeley Practice website


Some info from the website:


Madeley Practice
Moss Lane

Telephone 01782 750274
Fax 01782 751835

We are happy to accept any comments or suggestions by email at However, please do not use this for any medical matters. We aim to respond to your feedback within two working days.

Dispensary, 24hour answerphone:
01782 750790

Emergencies during opening hours:
01782 752225

Out of Hours:
Phone the surgery 01782 750274, your call will be transferred to the out of hours service at no charge.

District Nurse
01782 752087

Health Visitor
01782 752087

01782 752494

01782 752087

Healthcare and clinics
Alcohol Reduction
The doctors can provide support to patients with alcohol dependency and their families, as well as referral to appropriate specialist units where needed.
Asthma and COPD
The practice nurses offer routine checks for all patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is important that you have a yearly review if you are using inhalers. Please ask for a 20 minute appointment with a nurse.
Blood Pressure – Hypertension
We provide a screening service for high blood pressure (hypertension). Patients with hypertension are reviewed every six months. Please ask for a 10 minute appointment with a nurse.
Blood Tests
We offer an appointment only service on a Tuesday morning at Madeley Surgery, and on a Wednesday morning at Baldwins Gate Surgery. Patients may also attend the Central Pathology Laboratory for blood tests. For patients taking Warfarin we perform INR checks at the INR clinic on a Friday morning at Madeley Surgery.
Breast Screening
There is a centralised recall system in place for women to attend the Breast Screening Unit. Women aged between 50-64 years of age are called at three yearly intervals. If you require more frequent screening please discuss this with your doctor. If you are over 65 you can opt to continue with screening mammography.
Cervical Smears
For women aged 25 and over please make a 10 minute appointment with the practice nurse for your smear. It is preferable to take the smear during the middle of your cycle. You will be recalled at “regular” intervals every three years if aged 25 to 49, and every five years if aged 50 to 64 unless you have had any previous problem.
Child Health Surveillance
Eight week development checks are carried out by your doctor in surgery. This will be done at the same time as your postnatal check. At 12 months children are invited for a full check. 18 month and pre-school checks are no longer routine, but if you are concerned about your child’s development please contact a health visitor to arrange a review.
The health visitor holds a weekly drop-in clinic at Madeley Surgery (no appointment needed) on a Thursday afternoon for routine growth checks and discussion of any queries or concerns.
Chiropody is available for patients aged 60 and over only. Referral is from a doctor.
Contraceptive Advice
For advice on contraception and six monthly pill checks please make a 10 minute appointment with a practice nurse. We offer a full range of contraceptive services including coil fitting, injections, diaphragms and implant and emergency contraception.
The practice is able to offer a counselling service to patients. If you feel you need this please discuss it with your doctor who will arrange an appointment.
Diabetes Clinic
We run weekly clinics for patients with diabetes on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Appointments are by written invitation only. It is important you have your blood tests carried out before you come. We expect to review every patient at least once per year. Retinal photographs are now carried out by accredited opticians as part of the Retinopathy Screening Service.
A dietician holds a monthly clinic at the Surgery. Referrals are made by a doctor.
Ear syringing
You must see a doctor first to have your ears inspected. The problem may or may not be wax. If it is ear wax then best practice nowadays is to try to avoid syringing which carries a risk of perforation to the ear drum. Where syringing is indicated the wax needs to be pre-softened with ear drops and a long 20 minute is booked.
Elderly Care
The doctors and practice nurses routinely visit all elderly housebound patients every six month, and carry out a comprehensive assessment of their medical, social and mental health and offer appropriate care and support.
The doctors review all patients with epilepsy annually.
Health Checks
The practice nurses offer a routine health check to any patient. Ask for a 20 minute appointment. Complete a health questionnaire before your appointment available as a download on the right >
Heart Disease (CHD)
The practice nurses offer an annual routine check by written appointment. Blood tests are carried out before attending for the review.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinic
All doctors and nurses offer advice on HRT and dealing with the menopause.
Immunisations – Childhood
Children are offered routine vaccinations starting at eight weeks of age. Refer to ‘Immunisations’.
Leg Ulcer and Dressings Clinic
The district nurses hold two clinics per week to treat leg ulcers.
Maternity Care
We offer antenatal care lead by our midwife. The clinic is held on a Monday morning at Madeley Surgery.
Medical Examinations
The doctors are able to perform private medical examinations for insurance purposes or for the DVLA. Please contact the Surgery and we will provide you with the current charges.
Minor Surgery
Minor surgical procedures are carried out by prior arrangement by doctors.
Minor Trauma
The Surgery is a minor trauma centre and provides treatment of minor injuries.
Multiple Sclerosis
The doctors provide an annual review by written invitation for all patients with multiple sclerosis.
Physiotherapy is available following referral from your doctor.
Rheumatology Clinic
Professor Hay holds a monthly clinic at Madeley Surgery supported by a nurse specialist and physiotherapist.
A drug monitoring clinic is held every two weeks.
Smoking Cessation
The practice nurses provide one-to-one support and prescribe nicotine replacement therapy, Zyban and Champix. Please ask for a 10 minute appointment with a nurse.
Strokes and TIAs
The practice nurses offer an annual routine check by written invitation. Blood tests are carried out before attending the review.
Travel Clinic
The practice provides a free travel clinic for registered patients offering all major vaccines currently recommended, including Yellow Fever. You may be charged for certain travel vaccines. We can provide the service to no-registerd patients, please ask for information on charges.
Download an e-form (go to Clinical services and click on Holiday travel) or collect a form from reception and complete it before making an appointment.
Warfarin Monitoring
For patients taking Warfarin we perform INR checks at the INR clinic on a Friday morning at Madeley Surgery.

Childhood Immunisations
Children start the immunisation programme at two months of age. The current schedule is available as a download on the right >
For detailed information on individual vaccines go to
For information on MMR go to
Most adults have received five immunisations during childhood and will not require any further boosters. If you are unsure then ask us to check your records.
Annual protection against influenza is offered to patients over the age of 65 and those at high risk, eg with chronic heart, chest and breathing disorders and diabetes.
Protects against pneumococcal infection that can cause pneumonia, septicaemia and meningitis. Vaccination lasts at least 10 years. Protection is offered to patients aged over 65 and those at high risk eg with chronic heart or lung disorders, diabetes and splenectomy.
Hepatitis B
Some jobs expose you to a risk of Hepatitis B, eg nurses. The checking of your immune status and giving the vaccination should be arranged by your employer. If, however, you have any problems or questions then please discuss with a doctor or nurse.
Travel Immunisations
The practice nurses will give advice on foreign travel and any other immunisations required. We are a recognised Yellow Fever Centre.
Useful Websites

Lifestyle advice
Smoking cessation
If you’re thinking of quitting smoking, or if you’ve tried before, you probably know that it’s not just about willpower. It’s also about having a plan and getting support. That’s where our nurses can help with one-to-one support and a free range of nicotine replacement treatments and non-nicotine medicines to help control your cravings. With support you’re four times more likely to quit.
For support:
Book a standard appointment with one of our practice nurses.
NHS Smoking Helpline, 7.00am – 11.00pm every day, phone 0800 1690169, or text 0800 1690171

Alcohol guidance
Alcohol is something to be enjoyed and most of the time it doesn’t cause any problems, but drinking too much, or at the wrong time can be harmful. If you have concernns about your alcohol intake the doctors can offer advice and support in confidence.
For more information download “What is alcohol misuse?” on the right >
For further help:
• Drinkline 0800 917 8282
• Alcohol concern 24 hour helpline 020 7928 7377
• Alcoholics anonymous 0845 7697 555
• Al-anon – family support 020 7403 0888
• ADSIS (services in Staffordshire) 01782 271096
• Crewe Alcohol 01270 580243
Weight and diet
Maintaining a healthy weight is very important. Being overweight or underweight increases the risk of a range of diseases that have a significant impact on your health, such as heart disease, diabetes, back pain and arthritis.Those who are severely obese can expect decreased life expectancy, on average 11 years less. Currently one in four adults are overweight and a recent report predicts that by 2050 over 50% of adults and 25% of children will be obese.
Three major factors are responsible for the increase in obesity, diet, physical activity and family history. Over recent decades, encouraged by the food industry and marketing, consumption of energy dense nutritionally inadequate food and drinks, containing high levels of saturated and total fat, salt and sugar has increased, while relative consumption of fruit and vegetables has fallen. Less than one in three adults eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables daily.
Changing methods of travel and labour saving devices have reduced physical activity. Children spend more time watching television, playing computer games and using the internet and there is less sport at home and school. Weight is influenced by genetics (family history), for example the main indicator that a child will become obese is that both parents are overweight – four out of every five children will be overweight.
Five tips:
-1. Shop healthily
-2. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day
-3. Make physical activity a daily part of your life
-4. Periodically check your weight
-5. Balance calorie intake with energy expenditure
For one-to-one advice and support make an appointment with any doctor or nurse.
Teenage services
Your consultation is confidential. No matter what it is about – sex, drugs, family, bullying, weight, body image, alcohol, stress etc – or with whom it is with, doctor or nurse, it remains confidential.
Book an appointment in the usual way, in person, by telephone or on the internet .
We offer full contraceptive services including emergency contraception and advice on quitting smoking, weight reduction, counselling and alcohol issues.
Up to date advice on current issues may be obtained on

Useful links:
Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service is provided by nurses and doctors at both Madeley and Baldwins Gate Surgeries
Family planning clinic
Ryecroft Health Centre, Broad Street, Newcastle ST5 2BQ, phone 01782 427300
Emergency Contraception
Contact any doctor or nurse at Madeley surgery or Baldwins Gate surgery, or Family Planning clinic, address as above.
email help
NHS Direct
Telephone: 0845 46 47
National Eating Disorder Association
Connexions Direct
Telephone: 0808 0013219
Text: 07766413219
Victim Support
Telephone: 01460 55535 (?)
Teenage Health
Telephone 01782 416666
Health Issues for those over 14 years old
Emotional Problems
Telephone: 0800 776600
Telephone: 0800 1090169
Telephone: 0800 282930
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Telephone: 01782 554144 (University Hospital of North Staffordshire)
01270 612255 (Leighton Hospital)

Holiday travel
If you are travelling abroad it is sensible to make provision well in advance of your expected date of travel, if possible a minimum of four weeks. The Surgery has a comprehensive stock of all vaccines and can give full guidance on health matters relating to travel abroad and long haul flights. The practice is an accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre. Our practice nurses have up-to-date information and would be delighted to discuss your individual requirements.
Travel Questionnaire
You can save time by downloading and completing the holiday vaccination questionnaire:
• Download the questionnaire on the right >
• Print off the page
• Complete and return to the Surgery
Yellow Fever Questionaire
You can save time by downloading and completing the Yellow Fever questionnaire on the right >
The practice nurse will review your request and recommend appropriate vaccinations. The practice nurse will advise you of any charges that may apply for the vaccines and length of appointment required. The practice nurse will enter into your medical records details of
Required vaccinations
• Any charges are to be paid at the time of the first appointment.
• If you have a temperature or are taking antibiotics on the day of your appointment please telephone 01782 750274 and re-arrange the appointment.
• Any follow up appointments for 2nd or 3rd doses can be made via reception.
Useful Information

Useful Phone Numbers
Accident and Emergency Department North Staffs Hospital 01782 554455
Age Concern 01782 286209
Alcohol and Drug Services 01782 271096
Alcoholics Anonymous 01782 266366
All Saint’s Church Madeley 01782 750205
Alzheimers Carers Support Group 01782 235100
Approach – small groups for older people with mental health needs 01782 411116
Asperger/Autism Association Staffordshire 01782 627002
ASIST – advocacy for service users 01782 845584
Aspire 01782 635200
Association for Post Natal Illness 02073 860868
Beat the Cold 0800 3892258
Benefits Agency 01782 382000
Benefits Enquiry Line and Advice for people with disabilities 0800 882200
Bereavement Counselling Dove Centre 01782 683155
Beth Johnson Housing 01782 844036
Bradwell Hospital 01782 425400
Breast Cancer Care 0808 800 6000
British Cardiac Patients Helpline 01223 846845
Bucknall Hospital 01782 273510
Cancer BACUP 0808 800 1234
Carers Link Project 01782 831616
Cerebral Palsy Helpline 0808 800 3333
Child Death Helpline 7pm – 10pm 0800 282986
Childline 0800 1111
Citizens Advice 0844 4994115
Community Learning Disability – adults 01782 425325
Community Learning Disability – children 01782 425328
Community Mental Health and Social Care Team 01782 425350
Contact A Family – for families and carers of disabled children 0808 8083555
Crime Stoppers 0800 555111
Crossroads Care Scheme 01782 683141
CSA Voluntary Helpline 01782 203570
Deaf Children’s Society 01782 845689
Deaf Society 01782 219161
Dental Advice Line 01782 425846
Disability Resource Team 01782 235200
Disability Solutions 01782 683100
Domestic Violence Helpline 01782 205500
Donna Louise Children’s Hospice 01782 654440
Douglas Macmillan Hospice 01782 344300
Druglink 01782 425100
Dyslexia Centre – Newcastle I D L 01782 632444
Eating Disorders Association 01603 621414
Elizabeth Trust Refuge 01782 713737
Epilepsy Support Group 01782 775846
Gaylife North Staffordshire 01782 425969
Haywood Hospital 01782 715444
Haywood Hospital Walk-In Centre 01782 581112
Headway – organisation for people who have sustained a head injury 01782 280952
Help the Aged 01782 638381
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service – NHS complaints 020 7210 4850
Independent Living Centre 01782 864500
Intouch – organisation for parents of brain injured children 01869 341075
Keele University 01782 621111
Late Night Opening Chemist, Lloyds at Shelton 01782 848670
Leighton Hospital 01270 255141
LIFE Pregnancy Care Centre 01782 744793
Lifeline – support for older/vunerable people 01782 234545
Loggerheads Chemist 01630 672373
Madeley and District Community Association 01782 751164
Madeley Christian Fellowship 01782 630297
Madeley Clinic 01782 752087
Madeley Manor Nursing Home 01782 750610
Madeley Practice Patients’ Fund 01782 751195
Marie Curie Nurses 01782 271160
MENCAP 01782 848800
Mental Health Helpline 0808 8002234
Methodist Minister 01782 624354
Millers Chemist Madeley 01782 752255
National Drug Helpline 0800 776600
Newcastle Centre for the Physically Handicapped 01782 623153
Newcastle Community Transport 01782 627770
Newcastle Council 01782 717717
Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service 01782 629269
Newcastle Social Services 01782 296005
Newcastle Racial Equality Council 01782 407930
Newcastle-under-Lyme Adventure Playground 01782 717612
Newcastle Volunteer Bureau 01782 621826
NHS Direct 0845 4647
North Staffordshire Family Mediation Service 08456 020301
North Staffordshire Service Users Group 01782 683043
North Staffs Carers Association 01782 834836
North Staffs Primary Care Trust 01782 425400
NSPCC – 24hr Child Protection 0808 800 5000
NSPCC – Asian Child Protection 0800 096 7719
Nuffield Hospital 01782 625431
Out of Hours Doctor 01782 719100
Patient Advice and Liaison Service 01782 427329
Patient and Public Information Forum 01782 416575
RNIB Stoke 01782 215755
Pregnancy Advisory Service 01782 632784
RELATE 01782 683050
RETHINK (formerly the National Schizophrenia Fellowship) 02089 746814
Roman Catholic Church Silverdale and Madeley 01782 624325
Samaritans 0845 7909090
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic 01782 554144
Social Services Newcastle 01782 296005
Staffordshire Association Coping with Cancer 01782 397635
Staffordshire Association for the Welfare of the Blind 01785 627101
Staying Put (Beth Johnson Housing) 01782 219200
Stroke Advisory Information 0845 3033100
The Dove Service – Support for people with serious illness 01782 683153
University Hospital of North Staffordshire 01782 715444
Victim Support 01782 717184
Young Minds – Adolescent Counselling 0800 018 2138

Useful websites
for family and friends
Alzheimer’s Society
Arthritis Care
British Heart Foundation
Drug dependency
Elderly Care
General Medical Advice
Men’s Health
Mental Health
Multiple Sclerosis
Public Services
Quit Smoking
Sexual Health
Teenage Services
See Teenage Clinic for listings

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